Send your tax bill stub for proper credit and check or money order, payable to Town of Kildare, to the:
Kildare Treasurer
N2865 County Rd HH
Lyndon Station WI 53944.
If you would like a receipt, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment.
Saturday, January TBD from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
at the Kildare Town Hall, N2592 26th Avenue, Lyndon Station WI
Check/Money Order/ Credit Card payments will ONLY be accepted
No in person tax payments will be accepted at the Treasurer’s Residence
With link below a credit card payment option is available, there is a service fee.
PAY BY CREDIT CARDSend your tax bill stub for proper credit and check or money order, payable to Town of Kildare, to the:
Juneau County Treasurer
220 East State Street Room 112 Mauston, WI 53948
You can find more infromation on the Juneau County Website - Tax Information Page
With link below a credit card payment option is available, there is a service fee.
PIAD BY CREDT CARDThe Town of Kildare held a Meeting of Electors to approve the Town Levy of $131,284 a decrease of 23.29% from 2023. The decrease is due to the Trash and Recycling was removed from the Levy and added as an additional line item on the tax bill. (Res. No 01-2024)
Approved 2024 LevyThe Town Board of Kildare approved the Special Charges for Garbage/Refuse Disposal and Recycling to be added as an additional charge for properties with improvements. The cost for Garbage/Refuse Disposal and Recycling in 2023 was $64,843.82 with 516 parcels with improvements equaling $125.67 per parce. $125.67 will be due to the Town of Kildare by Nov. 1, 2024, if not paid by date the total will be added to your tax bill.
Res. No 01-2024The Town of Kildare held the 2024 Town Budget Hearing, November 13, 2024
Appoved budget of $552,106 an increase of 4.26% form 2024.
All dogs five months or older located within Juneau County must be licensed.
Licenses are valid January 1 thru December 31 of each year.